Social Studies Resources
2011 Social Studies Academic Standards (Revised by State Board of Education
Test Blueprint for Social Studies Grades 3-8 (based on 2011 Social Studies New Standards)
1st Grade Support Documents
2nd Grade Support Documents
3rd Grade Support Documents
4th Grade Support Documents
5th Grade Support Documents
6th Grade Support Documents
7th Grade Support Documents
8th Grade Support Documents
Beyond the Bubble - Using the Library of Congress Primary Source Documents with Assessments
Beyond the Bubble unlocks the vast digital archive of the Library of Congress to create a new generation of history assessments. Developed by the Stanford History Education Group (, Beyond the Bubble is the cornerstone of SHEG’s membership in the Library of Congress’s Teaching with Primary Sources Educational Consortium. We “go beyond the bubble” by offering easy-to-use assessments that capture students’ knowledge in action – rather than their recall of discrete facts.
Assessing the 21st century skills with Library of Congress documents-a new generation of history assessments that includes 55 formative assessments tied to social studies topics. The History Assessments of Thinking (HATs) use collections of documents, photos, paintings, radio broadcasts, and film clips to measure students' historical understandings and critical thinking skills. Interactive scoring rubrics link to sample student responses and many assessments include a "Going Deeper" video that extends teachers' understanding of that task and the historical skills it measures.Economics Support Documents
Kindergarten Support Documents
Mastering the Common Core: A Social Studies-Centered Approach
This powerpoint is an excellent model demonstrating how we must change our way of teaching history as a set or compilation of facts and dates to more thinking like an historian approach. It examines how we must use primary source documents and allow our students to examine and compare primary source documents.National History Education Clearinghouse is designed to help K–12 history teachers access resources and materials to improve U.S. history education in the classroom. With funding from the U.S. Department of Education, the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) has created with the goal of making history content, teaching strategies, resources, and research accessible.This site contains useful information and teaching strategies for elementary, middle, and high school teachers. There are videos and a wealth of information on this site. It comes highly recommended!United States Government Support Documents
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